Squirreling Away…

As first harvest is upon us, and the lazy days of summer crank in to full, long days of preparation for the coming chill, I find myself stretched thin. Work that was scarce mid-summer has returned with full gusto.. I find my days and to do lists chock full of stuff, and try my darnedest to navigate harvest, cool weather prep, back to school and 3 or 4 part time jobs depending on the week. It’s zero to 90 in just a few days notice once more, but I knew it was coming.
When I made this transition of lifestyle, I fully embraced living intentionally with the flow of the seasons. This pattern was foreign to me the first year, but has become familiar and welcome now. We work like mad in the spring, to refill coffers, refresh, and sow promises and crops for the coming seasons- days run long and hectic.. As summer rolls around and Mother Nature turns up the thermostat, things pull up to a sudden coast and go on autopilot. It’s a welcome respite that lasts about 6 to 8 blissful weeks before we kick back in to high gear.. This is precisely where I am and will be for the next 10 weeks or so, before the calm and cold decendends. Then we will draw into our nest to enjoy the spoils of our frenzied preparation, tackle indoor projects, relax, and bake!
I’ve come to love the ebb and flow of the seasons and the corresponding work and pace that comes with each. I greet every transition with a longing for the change of pace be it a trot or gallop- excited to launch into the new tasks at hand, invigorated by the change of scenery, and then greeting the impermanence of the work as it edges the range of tedium. 
As intentional as I’ve come to be in my journey for right livelihood – I often hover between the rhelm of “be here now” and “this too shall pass”! It’s a work in progress, but I love the wisdom that each passing season imprints on me.
 I wish you a happy harvest time- and I hope that time will grace me with a few moments each week during this franetic season to share my journey (and a deal or two) on the blog before passing out face first on my mattress! Until then- blessed be.